Entries by Christian Reeves

IRS Snitch Gets Rich

IRS Snitch Gets Rich – UBS Whistleblower Receives $104 Million. How much are 40 months of your life, and your dignity, worth? $104 million (or about $4,600 for each hour spent in prison) seems a good answer. As you may have heard, The Internal Revenue Service awarded tax whistleblower and former UBS banker Bradley Birkenfeld […]

IRS Going After Cash Transactions

U.S. Goes After Cash Transactions The New York Times recently reported that Federal and state authorities are investigating a handful of major American banks for failing to monitor cash transactions in and out of their branches. The government claims that this may have enabled drug dealers and terrorists to launder tainted money, according to officials […]

Debtors Prisons in the U.S.?

Debtors’ Prisons are back in the U.S. of A. As States search for ways to increase revenues, they have been using their weapon of mass destruction – their prison system – to bludgeon those unable to pay fines and tickets in to coughing up some cash. And it’s not limited to government agencies. Owe money […]