Entries by Christian Reeves

IRS Tax Liens

IRS’s Enforced Collection Measures and What to Do About It If you owe money to the IRS, the government will usually file a Federal Tax Lien. A tax lien is a negative mark on your credit report and “attaches” to any real estate you own. It is typically filed with your country recorder’s office. By […]

IRS Offer in Compromise

What to Do When You Owe the IRS: The Offer in Compromise The IRS Offer in Compromise (OIC) program is the most misunderstood, misrepresented, and abused tax debt resolution program in history. It reached nearly mythic status with late-night television ads promising to settle your tax debt for pennies on the dollar, and then crashing […]

IRS Bank Levies

When Your Hard-earned Money Is at Risk—The IRS Bank Levies If the IRS has levied your account, you have only 21 days to submit all the necessary documents and secure a release before the money is gone. Time is of the essence, so please contact us immediately! One of the most powerful and vicious collection […]


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)—IRS Tax Problems and IRS Tax Debt Relief. The IRS Offer in Compromise Program Defined 1. What is an IRS Offer in Compromise? In most cases, an IRS Offer in Compromise is a way to settle your IRS debt for less than the balance due, because you are unable to pay the […]

Welcome to Premier Offshore Investor

Dear New Reader, Thank you for signing up for my e-letter. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I will send you helpful research, information, and the occasional commentary on living, working and doing business offshore. In a few minutes, you will receive an email with additional information and links to our various Expat resources. Please watch […]


The only countries that offer official citizenship and second passports without residency requirements are St. Kitts and Nevis and Dominica. There are a number of websites offering “grey market” passports, but, buyers beware! The vast majority of these are scams. For example, I am often asked about offers of passports from for about $50,000. The […]


Dominica is another Caribbean island that has been making a name for itself in the offshore world for the last several years. Its passport is not as travel friendly as St. Kitts, but the costs are much lower. Officially the Commonwealth of Dominica, this island is in the Lesser Antilles region of the Caribbean Sea, […]

St. Kitts and Nevis

St. Kitts and Nevis are two islands in the Eastern Caribbean that became independent from England in 1983 and have a history of providing privacy, asset protect, and the best second passport available. This country of 51,000 is a member of the United Nations, its primary language is English, and its currency, the Eastern Caribbean […]

New Life and New Passport

Second Passport Programs, Economic Citizenship and Passports by Investment Let’s face it; American passports are not what they once were. In fact, Americans are giving up their citizenship in record numbers. For example, the U.S. embassy in Switzerland reports that hat it had processed 411 renunciations in the first nine months of 2012. This compares […]