Entries by Christian Reeves

Proof You Should Diversify Your IRA Offshore Now

A record high stock market in the U.S. exposes the suckers! Don’t be one of them.  Diversify your IRA offshore as soon as possible.  This article offers statistical proof that you should diversify your IRA abroad.  U.S. returns over the next 10 years will wipe out your retirement account. While everyone is running to dump […]

Buy Physical Gold in Your IRA

If you see some risk in the U.S. economy and want to protect your retirement savings, I suggest you buy physical gold in your IRA. This can be done easily enough.  You first move your retirement account to a U.S. custodian that allows for this type of investment.  We then form an offshore LLC and […]

France’s Attack on the Dollar

There is an attack on the dollar from all sides that will have a major impact on your retirement and savings.  This is the first of a two part series on the attack on the dollar by friends and old foes alike.  This time, it’s France coming after our currency. Here’s the setup:  The United […]

Russia’s Attack on the Dollar

Russia is mounting an attack on the dollar and will threaten your retirement account in 2015.  An attack on the dollar that results in a significant devaluation will have a major impact on your assets denominated in dollars. As I said in my last post, France Attacks the Dollar, our mighty greenback is in trouble.  […]

Chile: An Entrepreneur’s Paradise

Chile is now one of the best countries in South and Central America for tech startups.  As you will see in this article, it is blowing past my Panama… at least in attracting tech start-ups. Termed “The Chilecon Valley,” Santiago, Chile has become the entrepreneurial hub of Latin America by focusing on talent… and backing […]

Avoid the ObamaCare Tax, Offshore Edition

The new ObamaCare tax, called the Net Investment Income Tax, or NIIT, hits U.S. residents and expats alike with a 38% levy on most forms of investment income.  If your taxable income in 2014 was $200,000 (single) or $250,000 (joint), the ObamaCare tax is coming your way. These rates are fixed and will not increase […]

The Offshore Tax Inversion

What the heck is an offshore tax inversion and why should I care?  The inversion has been all over the news and was even called “un-American” by our President today (July 25, 2014).  Here is everything the small to medium sized business owner needs to know about the tax inversion. Where a large corporation is […]

The Real Return on a U.S. Treasury

The real return on U.S. Treasuries is a miserable 0.6% per year.  If you don’t think you can do better than this offshore, then leave your retirement with Fidelity and risk it being taken over by the U.S government and MyRa. If you think you can beat the real return on U.S. Treasuries by diversifying […]

IRS Collection Statute for Expats

A few days ago I wrote an article on dealing with the IRS as an expat.  Apparently, a number of you are carrying tax debt and are concerned with the IRS collection statute – how long the IRS has to collect that tax debt.  This article is specifically for those living abroad that owe the […]

Offshore IRS Audit Statute

For most Americans, the IRS audit statute, the amount of time the IRS has to come after you once you have filed your return, is three years.  Not so for those with foreign accounts and foreign assets.  In most cases, the IRS has six years to audit your international investments. First, let’s review the IRS […]

Invest in What You Know with an Offshore IRA

Follow the advice of Warren Buffet and many others who came before him and invest in what you know.  An offshore IRA gives you the power to diversify offshore and invest in what you understand at the right price. An offshore IRA placed in an offshore company, where you are the manager of that company, […]

Offshore Business Tax Reporting Summary

If you’re operating a business outside of the United States, your offshore business tax reporting obligations can be daunting.  Failure to comply can result in significant interest and penalties, the loss of your business, and even the loss of your freedom.  Here is a brief description of the most common offshore business tax reporting obligations. […]

What is U.S. Source Income?

All income that is U.S. source income is taxable in the United States.  Income that is not U.S. source income is not taxable.  So, planning to ensure your business income is not considered U.S. source income is the only way to keep Uncle Same out of your wallet. This article will describe U.S. source income […]

Controlled Foreign Corporation Defined

If you are doing business offshore, you need to understand the IRS Controlled Foreign Corporation rules.  It is these tax laws that allow you to retain earnings from an active business offshore.  These same rules force you to pay tax on passive income.  If you have a non-U.S. partner, then avoiding the Controlled Foreign Corporation […]

Buy Gold in an Offshore IRA

When you buy gold in an offshore IRA, you create a hedge against currency risks, move assets out of the United States, and maximize asset protection, all the while maintaining the tax benefits of the retirement account.  Buy gold in an offshore IRA LLC to maximize the benefits of taking your retirement account offshore. When […]

State Tax for Expats

If you are planning to live, work, or invest offshore, you need to plan for your state taxes.  This State Tax For Expats guide will help you eliminate your state’s taxes and keep you out of trouble with local tax authorities. If you move offshore, and plan to return to your home state, then your […]

How to Settle Your Expat Tax Debt

If you are a U.S. citizen living abroad, you have the same rights and responsibilities when it comes to your expat tax debt as those stuck in America.  The IRS has ever increasing powers to collect on that expat tax debt, so it is in your best interest to get into compliance and make arrangements […]