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Swiss Bank Secrecy is Dead – Again!
Swiss bank secrecy, and banking privacy the world over, are dead and gone! The banks of Switzerland are bowing down to the United States yet again…Swiss bank secrecy is dead and gone again. The difference this time is that basically all Swiss banks are paying up, not just those with branches in the United […]
Spanish Tax Guide: Tax Implications of Living, Working and Investing in Spain
Spanish Tax Guide – this is the first in our country tax guide series. Spain emerged from five years of recession in mid-2013, and now is one of the hottest investment options around. Real estate and investment markets are still priced near the bottom, but are on the upswing, employment is improving, and the government’s […]
Who is a U.S. Person for Tax Purposes?
Who must pay US taxes you ask? Who is a US person for tax purposes? Who is in the crosshairs of the IRS? The answer is not quite as simple as you may think…and something that confuses many people living and operating a business in the US. Who is a U.S person for tax reporting […]
Do I Need to Report Gold to the IRS? FBAR and Form 8938
In most cases, you are not required to report gold to the IRS…whether it is in the US or offshore, it is exempt. Please see the full article for exceptions!
Industria în creștere a videoclipurilor porno
Deși este dificil de cuantificat impactul economic al videoclipurilor porno, estimările sugerează că industria porno ar putea fi mai mare decât Netflix, care aduce 11,7 miliarde de dolari anual. Acest număr de venituri este greu de identificat din cauza pirateriei rampante, a proprietății private și a discrepanțelor în studiile pornografice. Cu toate acestea, un lucru […]
Can I Invest in a Business with my IRA?
Surprisingly, yes you can invest in an active business with your retirement account. There are a many caveats and limitations, but you can usually lend money to a business, purchase shares in a corporation or LLC, or buy in as a partner receiving a share of the profits (flow-through structures). Now, let’s talk about those […]
Eliminate Tax on Leverage in your IRA with UBIT Blocker
If you want to use leverage / margin to increase your IRA’s investing power, then you need an offshore UBIT Blocker Corporation. There are major benefits available for the sophisticated investor offshore, and the most important is the ability to use leverage and avoiding US tax on that leverage. Without a blocker, you will pay […]
Do I Need to Report my Offshore Real Estate on IRS Form 8938?
The general rule is that foreign real estate is not reportable to the IRS on Form 8938. Good news and an asset category that has been ignored by the IRS hawks trying to swoop in on as many international resources as possible. But, read on! While the default rule is that foreign real estate is […]
Tax Season’s Best Questions
We get a lot of good questions from Expats around the globe during the April 15 and October 15 tax seasons. Here are a few from this go-round. Moving to a High Tax Country Q: “I’ve just moved to Australia in the last year. I currently have very little assets in the US and am […]
Puerto Rico Tax Deals for Corporations
Thinking about moving your business offshore? If you are a US citizen, and your profits exceed $400,000, I guarantee Puerto Rico has a better deal for you. This article was published in 2013. For a more up to date post from December of 2015, see Blood in the Streets- the Puerto Rico Tax Deal and […]
Plant that First Flag Offshore
As America hurdles towards default, more of us are considering diversifying out of the United States and planting the first flag offshore. While there may be some last minute backroom deal to stave off disaster, many of us have lost confidence in a system out of control. If this resonates with you, I suggest you […]
Is Your IRA Confiscation Proof?
Are you thinking of using your IRA to invest abroad? Do you want to move your retirement account out of the United States? There are two very different ways to accomplish these goals. First, you can use a simple self-directed IRA and allow your custodian to make whatever investments you need. Second, you can take […]
Solo 401k Retirement Plans for Expats
I am often asked if an Expat can invest in a retirement plan. The simple answer is yes, there are retirement plans for Expats. Yes, if you are living and working offshore, you can use a retirement plan to reduce your taxes. Yes, the Expat can use a Solo 401k plan to save on taxes! […]
Move to Puerto Rico and Pay Zero Capital Gains Tax
Are you tired of paying in to the Obamanation? Is most of your income from capital gains taxed at 24% plus whatever your State grabs? You can eliminate tax on interest, dividends and capital gains by moving to Puerto Rico…immediately and legally. This article was published in 2013. For a more up to date post […]
US Tax Breaks for Offshore Real Estate
Do you own property outside of the United States? Are you thinking about investing in offshore real estate? Are you an offshore real estate mogul looking to reduce or eliminate your US taxes? This article will cover all areas of US taxation of offshore real estate and provide insider tips and techniques to get your […]
Tax Benefits of Going Offshore
There are many US tax benefits to living, working, and/or investing offshore. This article discusses each of the Tax Benefits of Going Offshore in detail with links to supporting information. If you are considering going offshore, this is a must read.
Is Panama the Next Singapore?
Panama vs. Singapore by By Christian Reeves and Lief Simon (www.offshorelivingletter.com) “Panama is the next Singapore,” declared a friend over lunch the other day. He wasn’t the first I’ve heard make the prediction. Since finding its legs after the U.S. military handed over the canal, Panama’s economy has been on an uninterrupted upward trend. Even throughout […]
Offshore Asset Protection Scams and How to Avoid Them
Offshore Asset Protection Scams – I will explain why you need quality representation when you go offshore and exposes the common schemes of online incorporators
How to Get an Offshore Merchant Account
You read a lot of stories about how difficult it is for Americans to get an offshore bank account. Well, opening a low cost, efficient, offshore merchant account 10 times more difficult. Many of us are used to the extraordinarily low rates of the U.S., and have no idea what to expect when we venture […]
US Bank Accounts for Foreign Corporations – Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid!
If you are a non-US person with a US corporate bank account, and your bank tells you to convert from your foreign corporation to a US entity, be afraid, be very afraid. Find out the consequences here.